Saturday, February 7, 2009

Oh, the joys of being Pregnant

So it is 12:30 in the morning and I cannot sleep. I am so exhausted from being up early for work and then dealing with life as a mom and wife, and yet I cannot sleep. Most nights I just lie in bed waiting for sleep to come while tossing and turning and it usually comes in the wee hours of the morning. Most mornings I feel like I just fell asleep only to have my alarm go off at 4:30am. I only have how many more months of this. Its a good thing the end result is worth it.
Other things that I have noticed or payed more attention to is my taste and smell senses. I get asked the "do you have any cravings" question every now and then, and I usually don't. But the one thing that I craved towards the end of being pregnant with Carson was smarties. Well I have already started that craving with this pregnancy. I just cannot get enough of them. Luckily I don't need to eat them all the time, mostly when I am at work. The funny things is when I had Carson and went back to work, I tried some smarties again and they did not taste that great. So it is definitely a pregnancy thing.
At the beginning months of being pregnant the one smell that really got to me was Carson dirty diapers. I had to hold my breath many times and have Matt change them. The smell was very much intensified. Also I could not handle roast cooking in the crock pot. I could handle eating it, but not smelling it cook. I have since over come these smells and can handle them just fine. Now their are smells that smell exceptionally good. This would be bleach mixed with water, almost like an indoor pool smell and Matt old spice deodorant. WEIRD I KNOW. (it is confession night). Well see how long these smells last.
So besides all the quarks of being pregnant all is well. She is moving all the time and I am getting more and more excited of having another little one.


Russ and Em said...

Smarties is a new one! I am so sorry you are up at night. As you know my kids don't sleep so I am up often too (and occasionally blogging). You deal with it better than me though, I get pretty bitter about the whole thing. May this baby be a better sleeper than Carson or at least have that trip to Disney world planned sooner.

Mel said...

You gotta love it. Isn't it weird the things that being pregnant does to our bodies. My cravings are all over the place and last for about two weeks at a time. And the tossing and turning is horrible. Sometimes I wake up more tired than when I layed down. But you are right the end reslut is definatly worth it.

The Steeds said...

Smarties-- huh. I would never have thought of that one. And bleach with water, weird. I do feel for you and hope that you get back to sleeping someday. :)

Condie Family said...

I relate to the problem sleeping! Crazy how it happens. Hum..smarties..sounds really good!