Wednesday, September 10, 2008


On monday Carson and I went to the state fair with my faimly. Matt did no go because he does not like to walk around and look at things. He would raither spend his time riding the rides. So he went to the gym to work out. I like to walk around and look at the things people can create. My favorite building holds all the quilts. I look at them and wish I could create something that great. Carson had a hard time staying in his stroller. He was very clingy and wanted to be held. It is not easy holding a child and pushing a stroller at the same time. Carson did enjoy seeing the animals. Overall we had a great time and cannot wait to do it again next year!

When we went to the goat building, they had a goat walking around
so you could touch them. Carson was not scared.

Carson did get excited over seeing the cows

Carson was trying to eat the cage bars. YUM !


The Tucketts said...

Looks like fun! Landon would probably assault the animals. We might go on Friday!

Becca said...

Fun! I want to go to the state fair!!! I actually looked into what contests they had to see if we could do anything, but I guess not...:( I'm not that skilled in craftiness.

Condies said...

we were there too no cool pictures due to the fact that i cannot seem to get them on the computer !

Shelly said...

What fun pictures...looks like it was a great day~! I am so happy you're blogging now...I am adding you to my list!

Holly said...

How fun! The carrot picture is really cute. I also like how Carson was trying to eat the bar. He is a cutie.