Friday, August 7, 2009

Dr. Check-ups

Last week I took Makenzie to the doctors for her 2 month check-up and here are her stats:

Length- 24 1/2 inches
Weight- 14 lbs 13 oz
Head- 41 cm

Basically she is a little chunkster. She has very chubby checks and legs and it looks so cute on her. She is healthy and the only minor problem is that she sounds congested all the time. The doctor said it should go away by the time she is 4 months old. If not then we might have to see a specialist. She does seem to be doing better so lets hope it goes away on its own. She is starting to smile and talk and likes to eat her hands.

Carson went to the doctor today for his 18 month check-up and here are his stats:

Length- 34 inches
weight - 25 lbs 2 oz

So he is tall and skinny. I filled out a questionnaire of about 20 questions to see if he is showing any signs of autism and he is not which I am glad to hear. It has always been a worry in the back of my mind. Carson is very active and does not know how to sit still. His vocabulary is starting to come along. Some of the words he knows how to say, that we can understand what he is saying, are: Stir, Dog, Duck, Hi, Bye, Baby, Mom, dad, Grandpa, Grandma, More, Fruit, Cheese, Shark, Car, Truck, and Flower. It is nice to finally understand what he wants. The down side to him getting older is that he now throws fits when he does not get what he wants or gets into trouble.

So my kids are so cute and I just love them.

1 comment:

Christina Olson said...

Your kids are so dang cute!! I hope the whole work thing is going ok. Hope to see you guys soon:)