Friday, July 17, 2009

Back to work

Well my wonderful time off from work has come to an end. Seven weeks sure went by fast. I started on Monday and felt like it was my first day on the job. There were some changes that took place while I was gone and I had to learn some new things. It has been nice being back to work to help bring money in and to visit with my friends. I really do have a good job and am greatful for it. It allows Matt and I to work and not have to pay for daycare.
Matt has taken over the night time feedings and we have had some struggles with that. I wake up only to wake Matt up to feed Makenzie and then it takes me awhile to fall asleep or I just stay awake because I have to get up to go to work at 5:00am. I have not been able to get both kids to take a nap at the same time so I feel like I walk around like a zombie at times. At least it does not last forever.
I was reading my parenting magazine and it listed a top ten ironies of motherhood and the first one listed fits me prefectly about working. It reads "That you could miss your little ones so much all day at work but be unbelievably relieved when they fall asleep an hour after you get home". If only they would fall asleep.


Belinda Olsen said...

Good luck Wenday. Makenzie is super cute!

Russ and Em said...

That is the perfect irony of motherhood!